Hire Safely Anywhere
In The World

Person of Interest Check, Identity verification, Contracting,

Swiftly onboard a prospective employee

Identity Verification for both
Employee and Guarantors

The single platform for all verification tasks

Individual Data

Individual provides information about themselves

Liveness Check

We check against deep fake pictures and that the individual is alive and present during the verification process.

Data Matching

We ensure the same person verifying is the person in the submitted identification document. (Passport, Drivers license)

Identity Documents Verification

We check if the identity card or passport uploaded is real and authorized by the issuing country.

Guarantor check

A business could request for a guarantor information once registered will be contacted to go through the same verification process above.

On-ground check

This is an on request service for address verification that can be requested on our platform where we check important addresses for users.

AML and PEP Verification

JobKYC simplifies AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) verification, providing a secure business environment.

How JobID can help your HR department

With JobID your HR team will be empowered to hire safely anywhere in the world. We provide:

Our Contracting tool for HR 

Simple to sign, easy to send

JobID is an E-signing platform that allows users to sign a legally
binding contract with their clients or employees in 60 Secs

Develop Contract

Verify signers identity

ESign contracts

Automate contract workflows

Manage all contracts in one place

Customize contracts with a click


Enforce GDPR compliance for all contracts

Collaborate across teams with ease.