Verify Businesses
and Individuals
with Confidence

Efficiently onboard and verify businesses and individuals with JobKYC / KYB. Our platform ensures a secure and trustworthy onboarding process from start to finish.

Streamline your onboarding process and verify businesses and individuals with JobKYC / KYB.
Ensure a secure and trustworthy onboarding experience right from the start.

Determine Trust Levels: Classify with Confidence

Easily classify businesses and individuals level of verification. This classification helps you identify the level of verification required for each role, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

Enforce Contracts and Fulfill Terms

With JobKYC/KYB, you can enforce contracts with certainty. Our platform ensures that all businesses and individuals onboarded by you fulfill the agreed-upon terms, fostering trust and accountability.

Contract Signing with Confidence

Be confident that your contract signatories, CEOs, shareholders, contractors, and employees meet your organization’s verification requirements. JobKYC/KYB automates the verification process, making contract signing a confident step.

Verify Individuals
with Confidence

Trust the authenticity of individuals with JobKYC. Rest easy knowing the people you onboard are trustworthy. We verify:

Personal Data

Liveness check

Identity check

AML & PEP check

Onboard companies with Ease

Gain valuable insights into the companies you onboard with JobKYB. Make
informed decisions and validate the legitimacy of businesses effortlessly.

Company data

VAT and registration no

AML & PEP check

UBO and Signatory


JobKYC is a revolutionary software that ensures
decentralised identity checks and your data control.

Take control of your personal data with JobID’s Reusable Identity feature. Keep your KYC and other personal data securely managed and decide who has access to it. With your unique JobID profile:

Share Your Profile:

Share Your Profile: Easily share your verified JobID profile with businesses or employers for onboarding or contractual purposes. Share your information while retaining full control.

Reusable Identity:

If you choose to do so, Your KYC data remains with JobID, giving you the power to revoke access from any company it was shared with. Maintain control over your personal information.

Reusable Identity:

If you choose to do so, Your KYC data remains with JobID, giving you the power to revoke access from any company it was shared with. Maintain control over your personal information.

Data Control:

Manage the personal data companies process about you. At any given time you can request to exercise your rights as a data subject and take control over the data that is being processed.

It is the world’s 7 first -step verification SaaS
platform for identity verification process.
Take control of your personal data with JobID’s Reusable Identity feature. Keep your KYC and other
personal data securely managed and decide who has access to it. With your unique JobID profile:

Individual Data

Individual provides information about themselves

Data Matching

We ensure the same person verifying is the person in the submitted identification document. (Passport, Drivers license)

Guarantor check

A business could request for a guarantor information once registered will be contacted to go through the same verification process above.

AML and PEP Verification

JobKYC simplifies AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) verification, providing a secure business environment.

Individual Data

Individual provides information about themselves

Individual Data

Individual provides information about themselves

Individual Data

Individual provides information about themselves

The future of work
is here - JobID.

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